Monday, February 26, 2007

Emotional Intelligence Path to Successful Career


“Emotional Intelligence can be defined as the capacity that you possess or obtain over a period of time to generate optimum results in your relationship with yourself and others”.

I personally believe that every baby that is brought to this world by his or her mother is born with a certain, unique potential for emotional sensitivity, emotional memory, emotional processing and emotional learning abilities. It is these four inborn components which I believe forms in to the core of one’s emotional intelligence.

So one can say that we tend to develop our emotional intelligence right from the day we are born. Of course all the segments involved in EI are not developed in a baby. For Instance, a baby can feel emotions, use emotions, communicate emotions, recognize emotions, remember emotions, learn from emotions and manage emotions. But a baby cannot understand emotions. This is probably reserved for the baby to learn in the later part of its life, when a child begins to develop its ability to reason.

The way a baby is raised, dramatically affects what happens to the babies potential in each of these areas. For example a baby may be born with a very high potential for music, but if that child’s potential is never recognized, nurtured and encouraged or if the child is never given the chance to develop the musical potential, they will never become a talented musician later in life. The result is pretty obvious; the world will miss out on this person’s special gift to humanity.

Components of Emotional Intelligence

In 1995 Daniel Goleman's book came out under the title "Emotional Intelligence." The book made it to the cover of Time Magazine in the USA. In the book he has mentioned all the information on brain emotions and behaviour.

Emotional intelligence can be very well explained by a person’s abilities to perceive, identify, understand, and successfully manage emotions in self and in others. It has been believed that Emotional understanding and skills have a great impact on our success and happiness in our personal lives as well as in our working life. Basically there are eight families of emotions, such as: love, surprise, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, enjoyment and shame. Our emotional intelligence is derived by the way we react to these set of emotions. When we compile all of these together, we can realize the competencies and abilities of emotional intelligence of a person. This can be again categorized in the four components of Emotional intelligence i.e. self awareness, social awareness, self management and relationship management.

Self awareness is the ability to recognize and understand ones own emotions and how they affect ones life and work.
Self management is the ability to control disruptive or harmful emotions.
Social awareness
is one’s ability to understand and empathize with others.
Relationship management
is the ability to connect with others and build positive relationships.

Every individual may differ with others on every component. For instance, a person may be very good in social awareness but he may not have good control over his self management. A person may respond to love positively but the same person does not give a heed if we show anger towards him or her.

I believe that a person with a high level of Emotional Intelligence can manage relationships in a very efficient manner. At a personal level I have experienced others dealing with me in differently in different situations. But once we relate our knowledge to that of the components of Emotional Intelligence, we will manage to relate instances happened in our life. Try doing it.

We all have learnt to react to situations from our childhood. As I explained earlier, every child that is born has some power of emotional intelligence which grows constantly over a period of time. We learn from our own experiences how to react to something good or bad. We tend to become happy when someone praises us. We become sad when someone discourages us. These all goes to show that we have control over our emotions.

The best part about Emotional Intelligence is that we are what we are! I.e. we behave in the same manner at work in the way we behave at home. But yes at work we are a little formal in our approach. Emotional Intelligence is all about managing our emotions. We all need time to practice it in our workplace to perfect it. It needs a constant effort from our part to understand and build upon our level of emotional intelligence.

Critical Self-reflection

I believe we all need to do critical self-reflection to increase our emotional intelligence. But we must understand that there is a difference between self-reflection and Critical Self-reflection. Most people would be familiar with reflection, which is nothing but the analysis of one’s beliefs. We also tend to have critical reflection, which is the analysis of the assumptions on which our beliefs are built.

But the area that interests me most is Critical Self-Reflection, which is the analysis of the way we pose our problems to ourselves and of our own structure of assumptions that we use as a reference for interpreting our experiences. Effective critical self-reflection requires you to question yourself and the assumptions you make on an ongoing basis.

But it is very sad to know that most of us do not spend time in doing this experiment which is real and happened with their lives. This will give us the perfect understanding of what is our own emotional intelligence.

Application of Emotional Intelligence in our personal lives

Once we do a good exercise of critical self-reflection, we can think of what we are currently. How much importance have we given to develop our emotional intelligence skills? How are we going to learn to develop these skills which will help us in our future workplace?

This is where we need to focus on our emotions. We need to practice Emotional Intelligence so that we don’t sour our relationship with others that we deal in our day to day life. But there is an order in which one can build his or her emotional intelligence skill. One must first understand his potential by way of realizing his self awareness and self management so that he can move to the next level of social awareness and relationship management.

Future Workplace

Future is quite unpredictable. At the workplace, we won’t be given a choice for sure to work with people that we want. We will have to understand that we have to deal with people with different set of emotions. Not only will we have to spend the largest portion of our waking time at work, but our identity, self-esteem, and well-being will be strongly affected by our work experiences. The key thing here will be how successfully we relate to them and respond to them in our day to day work.

I have drawn seven key concepts that will help me to reflect positively at my workplace. May be you can add a few.

Everyone is right. I may be wrong.

Everyone has emotions just like I have.

Everyone must take ownership of his or her emotions that includes me.

Everyone is driven by his or her attachments like love and hatred.

Everyone is primarily driven by fear.

Everyone has power to chose the way he or she responds to certain emotions.

Everyone has unlimited potential.

In order to excel at workplace, we need to have emotional competencies. This includes:

Personal Competencies – Self awareness, Self motivation, Self regulation.

Social Competencies – Compassion, Unity, Empathy and Sharing.

Social and personal competencies are essential for a healthy and productive life. Self-awareness, optimism, and empathy can enhance satisfaction level and productivity at work and in other aspects of life. The workplace also is an ideal place for promoting my social and emotional competencies because I believe it is going to be my workplace where I will need it the most. When people realize that social and emotional abilities hold the key to greater career success, they become eager to develop those abilities. At the same time, as a manager, I will need to recognize that my profit depends on the emotional intelligence of my employees; I will need to implement launching programs that will increase their level of Emotional Intelligence skills.

With the help of these two tools, I will be able to think about different options and incorporate anticipated reactions to others in order to improve my quality of decision making. I will have to take into consideration the relationship that I have with my employees. As an effective manager, I will have to assess each situations and personalities involved, rather then using my insightful response and techniques in making best decisions.

Many people who are book smart but lack Emotional Intelligence end up working for people who have lower level of IQs than them but who excel in Emotional Intelligence skills. I will have to continuously build my self awareness which I can do by practicing more control rather than reacting to situations which can provide negative signals resulting dissatisfied outcomes.


I believe in order to apply emotional intelligence in our day to day life. The first very essential thing is how better you know about yourself. Once we understand our pattern of looking at things based on the four components, then we need to understand others viewpoint. It is also very essential for me to undergo the critical self-reflection. I believe this is one method which will help me to understand my behavior and pattern of dealing with others and this will help me to strengthen my weakness that I do possess in terms of people management or relationship management.

I can also conclude that you may have people who are technically competent and who have very high IQ but if they are not very strong on emotional intelligence then they do not have the ability to relate their competencies with others as they are missing an important tool for overall development. Becoming emotionally intelligent is possible for everyone but it does require a high level of commitment and perseverance. A conceptual understanding of what it takes to be emotionally intelligent is just not enough to transform yourself; your way of thinking and behaving into an emotionally intelligent person is what needed for that transformation to take place. There is a world of difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it.

Want to research more on Emotional Intelligence and its values...

please refer to the Book "Working with Emotional intelligence"


Type emotional intelligence in the Google search box on top you will find a variety of information related to Emotional intelligence and its testimonial.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Why Is Self-Esteem Important?

Do we believe in ourselves? Do we give ourselves the credit we deserve? Self-esteem is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achievement. The group we work with has a level of self-esteem based on the composite self-esteem levels of the individuals in the group. This includes such things as our understanding of ourselves and others, our communication skills, our ability to have realistic expectations for ourselves and others, our degree of maintaining a positive attitude, and our ability to stay in present-time and not let past hurts be projected onto others. It also depends on taking responsibility for our own life, managing our feelings, our biases, and prejudices, and our ability to release and forgive childish behaviour and responses in others. One of the most important things we do is model and reflects to others how we value ourselves. Now let me reflect on what self esteem is all about and how it influences in our lives.

We all have a mental picture of what we are, how we look, what we're good at, and what our weaknesses might be. We develop this picture over time, starting when we're very young kids. The term self-esteem is used to refer to a person's mental picture of himself or herself. Lot of our self-image is based on interactions we have with other people and our life experiences. This mental picture contributes to our self-esteem.

Self-esteem is all about how much we feel valued, loved, accepted, and thought well of by others and how much we value, love, and accept ourselves. People with healthy self-esteem are able to feel good about them, appreciate their own worth, and take pride in their abilities, skills, and accomplishments. People with low self-esteem may feel as if no one will like them or accept them or that they can't do well in anything.

We all experience problems with self-esteem at certain times in our lives, especially during our teens when we're figuring out who we are and where we fit in the world. The good news is that, because everyone's self-image changes over time, self-esteem is not fixed for life. So if we feel that our self-esteem isn't all it could be, we can improve it.

How we feel about ourselves can influence how we live our lives. People who feel that they are likeable and lovable have better relationships. They are more likely to ask for help and support from friends and family when they need it. People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well at workplace. Having good self-esteem allows you to accept yourself and live life to the fullest

Steps to Improving Self-Esteem
If we want to improve our self-esteem, here are some steps to start empowering ourselves:
Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself.
Aim for accomplishments rather than perfection.
View mistakes as learning opportunities.
Recognize what you can change and what you can't.
Take pride in your opinions and ideas. Make a contribution. Exercise!

Self-esteem plays a role in almost everything we do. People with high self-esteem do better in Workplace and find it easier to make friends. They tend to have better relationships with peers and their managers, feel happier, find it easier to deal with mistakes, disappointments, and failures, and are more likely to stick with something until they succeed. It takes some work, but it's a skill we'll have for life.

If you have better suggestions to improve self-esteem please add it in the comments below.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

James Cook University Singapore

James Cook University takes its name from the eighteenth century British navigator and explorer Captain James Cook, whose epic voyages contributed significantly to the world of science.

The University was established in Townsville on 20 April 1970, two hundred years after Cook charted the eastern seaboard of Australia. JCU offers courses in a broad range of study areas and has a strong research focus, particularly in matters relating to life in the tropics. In a ranking of the world's top 500 universities, JCU was one of only 13 Australian universities listed (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Academic Ranking of World Universities 2003).

JCU Singapore

In 2003, JCU opened its first offshore campus in Singapore, which is known as JCU Singapore. A comprehensive range of facilities is available at the campus lecture and tutorial rooms equipped with modern teaching technology, computer laboratories with broadband internet access, wireless internet-enabled floors, student lounge, cafeteria and library. Students studying at JCUS is assured of the same quality and enriching university education as their Australian peers.

Currently, JCU Singapore offers programs to students from all JCU Faculties, the Faculty of Law, Business and Creative Arts, the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences to come.

The city campus is centrally located and easily accessible by both private and public transport. The community library, food centres and convenience stores are within easy walking distance.

Life in Singapore For Students Of JCU

“For Learning. For Life. For you.”
This may seem to be three simple statements but this catchphrase of James Cook University, Singapore is more than statements. JCU deals with a number of courses to choose from which will help every student to excel in their lives. Its not only about leaning at JCU its about developing the art of implementing what you learned. Besides learning, Singapore offers a wide range of things to do for international students.

There are a number of things; students can do in Singapore during the leisure time. Foreign students will be able to learn at JCU and at the same time explore the place for its natural beauty. There are various tourist spots to visit such as Sentosa Island, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore Zoo, East Coast Beach, Chinese Gardens, Night Safari, Chinatown, Little India and many more. The many theatres, cinemas, video arcades and shopping centers offer a wide range of entertainment. Those more inclined towards outdoor activities will not be disappointed as there are many sporting facilities island wide that will cater to their needs. There are opportunities for sailing, wakeboarding, golf, canoeing, tennis, cricket, rugby, basketball, squash and many more.

As a centre of learning and research, Singapore’s numerous libraries, museums and bookshops are all easily accessible.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Management Lessons----Funny but very true

Lesson No.1

A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day.A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?"

The crow answered: " Sure, why not."

So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Management Lesson: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Lesson No.2

A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy." "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull. "They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree.The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fortnight, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree.

Soon he was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.

Management Lesson: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

Lesson No.3

When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss. The brain said, "I should be Boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions." The feet said, " We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go." The hands said, "We should be the Boss because we do all the work and earn all the money." And so it went on and on with the heart, the lungs and the eyes until finally the asshole spoke up. All the parts laughed at the idea of the asshole being the Boss. So the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work. Within a short time the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered.Eventually they all decided that the asshole should be the Boss.

Management Lesson: You don't need brains to be a Boss - any asshole will do.

Lesson No.4

A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold, the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung,it began to realize how warm it was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him!

Management Lesson:

1) Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.

2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.

3) And when you're in deep shit, keep your mouth shut!

Lesson No. 5

The boy rode on the donkey and the old man walked. As they went along, they passed some people who remarked "it was a shame the old man was walking and the boy was riding". The man and boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions. Later, they passed some people that remarked, "What a shame, he makes that little boy walk." They decided they both would walk! Soon they passed some more people who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride. So the both rode the donkey! Now they passed some people that shamed them by saying "how awful to put such a load on a poor donkey".The boy and man said they were probably right so they decided to carry the donkey.As they crossed a bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and he fell into the river and drowned.

Management Lesson:If you try to please everyone, you will eventually lose your ass.

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uch hilarious and interesting postings...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gender Diversity at Workplace


As you may have observed, women and men who work closely together often get tied up in communication knots, especially over issues that involve power, advocacy, and managing the troops.

That's because the sexes have distinct ways of communicating. They request action and advice differently. Their verbal responses and timing are different. And they have different styles for expressing workplace demands.

The result can be miscues and misunderstandings. In other words; lots of cross talk.

Today, nearly half of all privately owned companies are 50% or more owned by women, according to the Center for Women's Business Research. That means there are 11 million private enterprises at which women business owners must communicate their goals and operational needs to male and female customers, vendors, partners and employees. Women need to understand how men talk in business, and vice versa.

Mr. + Ms. Talk

But first, let's be clear on one thing. There's no such thing as an "absolute male" or "absolute female." People are individuals first and collections of cultural and biological traits after that. But "male" and "female" characteristics have now been documented by years of research. And when you look around your workplace, I'll bet you recognize many of the gender communications snafus that follow.

Mistaken assumptions fuel these misunderstandings. If you acknowledge those and reflect your understanding in work conversations with opposite sex team members, you can advance the workplace dialogue.

Here are six typical scenarios where communication between the sexes goes off the rails — and what you can do to get it back on track.

1. Power plays

Her way: Women tend to ask lots of questions before beginning work.
His way: Men simply roll up their sleeves.
The result: Men assume women aren't up to the job. If they were competent, reason men, then women wouldn't be asking so many questions. But in fact, women typically verify and validate data before starting tasks, sometimes to improve their performance. "Women gather information by asking questions, but men view question-asking as a sign of weakness," says Sandra Beckwith, author of "Why Can't a Man Be More Like a Woman?"

The reverse scenario is that men hate to ask for directions (big news, right?). But women assume that if men don't ask questions, they must know enough to complete a job. That's often not the case.

For women bosses, it's a good idea to verify that men have enough knowledge to complete a task. Oversee the work in the early phases or offer help without being asked. If you're male, listen to the questions being asked. Sometimes, these may add value.

2. Picture imperfect

Her way: Women frequently use anecdotes or illustrations about home or relationships.
His way: Men rely on metaphors about sports or war.
The result: Dialogue can hit a dead end. Women often do not follow the touchdown, full-court-press images and vice versa. Sherron Bienvenu, a communications consultant and co-author of "Business Communication: Discovering Strategy, Developing Skills," once hit just such a conversational wall during a sales pitch. She told a client that follow-up training would be "icing on the cake." "I envisioned icing as the finishing touch that completes the project and makes it most presentable to the receiver. His perception of icing was of sweet, unnecessary, junky stuff that you scrape off." She didn't nail the deal.

Don't simply gender-reverse images to communicate. Instead, consider your audience and use gender-neutral images (nature, movies or weather come to mind). Or use images you like, but with an explanation of what you mean.

3. Command conflicts

Her way: Growing up, girls tend to establish relationships.
His way: Boys usually vie for leadership.
The result: Men and women impose authority differently. "Women tend to be more collaborative in the workplace, putting relationships first," says Roz Usheroff, a business trainer and author of "Customize Your Career." "Men routinely challenge and expect to be challenged." Each often finds the other's style ineffective or insulting.

Women see men as ham-fisted or insecure when they come on so strong. Men think women lack confidence or conviction because they work hard to get buy-in. Neither, of course, is accurate. To jump the divide, borrow a bit from the other's style. Men can try a more collaborative approach. Women need to take over more often.

4. Detailed disputes

Her way: Women like to tell and hear stories, including the trials and errors, turnings and re-turnings. It's their way of connecting and building the relationship.
His way: Men cut to the chase. The route you travel is inconsequential. What matters is the destination.
The result: Each sex becomes too impatient to hear the other. "Women push for details generally for three reasons: to show concern, to vicariously participate in an experience or conversation, and to verify assumptions," says Dianna Booher, author of "Communicate with Confidence." "Men tend to gather details just long enough to get the big-picture message and then dump them as trivial."

Again, each sex can benefit from the other's behavior. Men ought to explain their thinking and not simply jump to conclusions. Women need to get to the bottom line more quickly.

5. Emotional exchanges

Her way: She tends to treat male colleagues like her husband or boyfriend.
His way: He often handles women associates like his wife or girlfriend.
The result: A subtle and tricky gender miscommunication. It's also one that people are loath to examine. Typically, men and women bring into the office some version of the sexual dynamics they have at home. We also gravitate to workplace confidants, mentors or employees who resemble the intimates in our personal lives, especially spouses, says Tina Tessina, psychotherapist and author of "It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction." "You find quieter struggles in business of whatever the fights are at home, such as who's right and who's wrong or disagreements about money."

If you're in some kind of standoff or you feel like he or she "doesn't understand" you, take a break to think it through. Make sure you're not importing a personal issue into a business environment.

6. Decision drivers

Her way: Women are generally more comfortable talking about their feelings.
His way: Men prefer to dwell on the facts and skip the feelings.
The result: Communications trouble. Every communication has both an intellectual and an emotional component, says Kenneth Sole, a social psychologist based in Lee, N.H., with 30 years of experience in assisting organizations to change. Misunderstandings arise when we ignore one side of the two dimensions. "That's not to suggest that it needs to be fifty-fifty," Sole says. "The conversation can radically improve just by owning up to one aspect of feelings or intellect."

He offers these examples: A man might say: "I know this is a difficult conversation for you. It's difficult for me, too." A woman might dial down emotional intensity by analyzing the problem, saying: "I think there are three pieces to the issues we've been discussing." She then ticks off those issues, one by one. "That moment of analytic reflection encourages the dialogue to move into a thoughtful channel," says Sole.

The definition of a diverse work force, of course, is an environment where people accept differences rather than deny them. If we pay attention to gender differences, we just might untangle the gender communications knots — and get the job done faster, too.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Dating Tips

Find a Date for yourself

by Robert Elias Najemy

1. Relationships are not by chance. They are specific experiences through which we have the opportunity to grow in self-knowledge and develop the highest human virtues such as understanding, patience, forgiveness, adaptability, truthfulness, caring, unity and unconditional love.

2. This does not mean that there is only one person on the earth for us – one soul mate. We might evolve and learn such lessons through a series of relationships. Of course, we need to avoid the trap of superficial short term relationships – in which we may be actually avoiding rather than learning our lessons.

3. Create relationships based on mutual respect, admiration and common interests. Although chemical attraction is also very important, without the above, the relationship will be short lived.

4. Fill out in detail and with total honesty our questionnaire about yourself and the soul with whom you would like to unite your life. Become clear about yourself and about what you want.

5. When you begin your first meetings with a soul with whom would like to investigate the possibility of mutually creating a Conscious Love Relationship:

a. Be totally honest from the beginning. You want someone who wants to be with you -not with some mask that you create.

b. Ask questions that are important to you. Learn how the other thinks and feels about subjects that are important to you. See what you have in common and what you do not. (It is okay to have different interests.)

c. Remember (from the questionnaire) the three characteristics that your love partner must absolutely have and the 3 characteristics that he or she absolutely must not have. (However, you might want to check and be sure these are absolutes coming from your higher self and not your personality-based fears.)

d. Do not move forward into sexual intimacy until you are fairly sure that you really can respect, admire and love this person. You might not be totally sure, but at least, you should like what you see until now. Physically intimacy without love can create unfruitful attachments.

e. Avoid creating a relationship with a person based on the idea that you will change the other. This seldom works. People do not like to be changed or controlled and usually rebel towards that effort on our part. Remember the computer adage «What you see is what you get and what you will get – even after ten years.» We are not saying that others do not change – but that they do not like to be changed.

f. Investigate various aspects of your possible communication; talking, dancing, walking, nature, sports, cinema, eating, serving others, meditating, praying, reading and eventually making love. Discuss and share whatever gives you meaning and pleasure. This does not mean that you need to do everything together. It is very natural for couples to have separate activities that give each personal fulfillment.

g. After some time, discuss your values and life style preferences. What do you believe is the purpose of life? Do you want to have children? How would you like to live? Do you want a social life? What do you want to do with your life? (Read what the other has written about these subjects on the questionnaire.)

6. Remember, relationships are not the goal of life but rather the means towards our life purpose which is growth, self-knowledge and eventual manifestation of our inherent divine qualities such as unconditional love.

a. Relationships do not give us self-worth and we do not lose our self-worth when someone prefers not to be with us or prefers to be someone else.

b. We are not intended to be with just anyone. We have made «secret soul agreements» to learn and grow with specific souls.

c. Thus, we might be wonderfully (and all uniquely are) physically and mentally attractive, but if we have not made this «secret soul agreement», then we simply will not be attracted to each other.

d. Thus the other might respect, admire and truly admire and love us (or we, them) but not be able to "feel that special chemistry", because we simply are not meant to be together. We too might feel the same dilemma in relationship to the other.

e. Thus we should never feel rejection when a relationship with another does not work out. Our self-worth and beauty are the same. We simply have not agreed to be together at this time – at least.

7. Avoid falling into the following mental traps:

a. Believing that you are not worthy of being loved.

b. Believing that you are getting too old and that you have lost the train or are less worthy or less happy than those who are married or in relationships.

c. That you will definitely be happier in a relationship – maybe yes – maybe no.

d. That time is running out to have a child. If your life purpose is to have and raise a child, it will happen. If it is not, then it will not. Let go and realize that life gives at each moment exactly what you need to be happy and to evolve. Fear is not a good reason to create a relationship. Love is.

8. You are most likely not in a relationship at this time, because you subconsciously do not want to be in one. Think about it. There are so many millions of people who are less attractive and less kind and loving than you are and yet, they are in relationships. Thus the reason you are not in one is either:

a. Your soul-created evolutionary program for this life requires that you should not have that experience until now - at least for this during this period of your life and / or

b. You are subconsciously afraid of one or more of the following: failure, rejection, suppression, being used, abandonment, being hurt, not being loved if the other knows the real you, not being able to be your real self, making the same mistakes your parents made etc. In such a case, you will need to work on your fears – especially with your past experiences.

Some last words

1. Trust in divine wisdom. You have exactly what you need at this time to create happiness and growth.

2. Free yourself from fears of being alone. Learn to enjoy being with your self.

3. Free yourself from the fears of being in a relationship.

4. You are equally worthy and safe in and out of a relationship.

5. You can be equally happy in and out of a relationship.

6. Learn to be happy with your present situation so that you can move on to the next. (This is often a prerequisite to creating a relationship.)

7. Remember that a few years of a real Conscious Love Relationship is preferable to fifty years of a relationship based on security and self-worth needs.

8. Attend to your Inner Preparation: a. Clarify Values, Needs, Life Style (The questionnaire will help.) b. Learn To Love Your Self: c. Develop Inner Security.

9. Place your energy and thought form into the universe by: a. Knowing what you want – as specifically as possible. b. Believing that you deserve to have what you want. c. Being open to accepting it. d. Let go and know in peace that the universe gives you in each moment what you need to be happy and grow. e. Be at peace, knowing that the universe will give you in the future whatever is best for you as a soul in the evolutionary process.

Need a little more Aggressive Way..

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Internships Program for MBA Students

MBA Internship Program

What is the MBA Internship Program?

The MBA Internship Program is our newest effort to attract students with a desire to work in the Federal government. Through the MBA Internship Program, students will gain experience in such areas as strategic and human capital planning, quantitative and qualitative management, and fiscal planning.

Students have an opportunity to engage in meaningful work experiences. The purpose of the internship is to have students assigned to tasks that enable them to transfer their classroom activities to actual work experience. The MBA Internship Program serves as a recruitment source for potential employment opportunities in the Department.

What are the agency benefits for participating in the MBA Internship Program?

Internships are a great way to bring in talented business school students who can contribute to the organization's work with new ideas and energy. Internships provide managers with an effective, low-risk evaluation and training ground for prospective full-time employees.

How do students benefit from internships?

* Earn salary to offset educational expenses
* Opportunity to earn academic credit
* Participate in meaningful work assignments relative to their academic area
* Opportunities to apply business school concepts to work assignments
* Exposure to public service careers
* Develop a network of professional contacts for future opportunities.

Types of Internships

There are three different types of internships:

Academic credit - Students coordinate the requirements of the internship with the school. Assignments are selected based on the academic requirements of the student. Final determination is made in consultation between the student, academic advisors and the Department of Labor. This type of internship is non-paid and occurs during the school year.

Details of the internship are outlined in an agreement, which is signed by the student, academic institution and the Department of Labor. Assignments are commensurate with the student's academic schedule. The length of the assignment is included in the signed agreement.

Voluntary - Student volunteers are involved in professional projects and work activities related to their academic studies. The assignments and/or tasks are clearly outlined in a signed agreement. Students can work based on their availability throughout the school year.

Paid - Students selected for paid internships are assigned to specific projects with definitive outcomes. Projects are structured to provide full-time meaningful work experience. Paid internships are assigned during the summer and may run from May to late August. MBA Interns assigned during the summer may also be extended to work throughout the school year based on their availability.

Students in paid internships earn between $1,100 to $1,364 bi-weekly. Students may work full or part-time schedules. There are no limitations on the number of hours an intern can work per week, but the student's work schedule should not interfere with their academic schedule.


One of the Best intership programs online...
Sony Global Internships
U.S. Department of Labor
